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Evaluations - K-12

Q: How do I know if I am being evaluated this year?

A: Memorandum of Understanding between BFT and BUSD requires that you receive notification that you are being evaluated, and information about who your evaluator will be, by September 30th.

Q: What are the limits on how often I can be evaluated? Can I be evaluated every year?

A: Temporary and probationary teachers are to be evaluated annually. Permanent teachers are to be evaluated at least every other year, but can be evaluated consecutive years in keeping with state law.

Q: Is it possible to waive my evaluation?

A. Yes. If you have been in BUSD for 10 years AND your last summative evaluation had an overall rating of 'proficient' or 'distinguished', your evaluation cycle can be waived for up to 5 years with mutual agreement with your principal. At any point, your principal can decide to evaluate you during this time. If you are a permanent employee and you have worked for BUSD for 3 - 9 years, you are eligible for an alternative evaluation. 

Q: Can I do an Alternative Evaluation?

A: By mutual agreement between the teacher and the evaluator, a permanent teacher receiving a Summative evaluation with an overall rating of “Distinguished” or “Proficient” may participate in alternative evaluation in his/her subsequent evaluation year. If you did an Alternative Evaluation in your last cycle, you can do an Alternative Evaluation for your current evaluation process with your administrator’s agreement. Let your administrator know ASAP that you are interested in doing an alternative evaluation and ask them to submit your name to Human Resources if they agree.

Q: How can I get more information about Alternative Evaluations options?

A: Please our webpage on Alternative Evaluations.

Q: When does my evaluator have to meet with me for a conference on my Professional Development Plan (Form A)?

A: A conference between the teacher and the evaluator needs to be held before November 1st and before the first formative observation.

Q: How many times does my evaluator have to observe me?

A: Permanent teachers shall receive at least two formative observations per year. Temporary and probationary teachers, potential PAR referred teachers and current PAR referred teachers shall receive at least three formative observations. At least two formative observations shall take place prior to February 15th.

Q: How long does each observation have to last?

A: Each formative observation shall be a minimum of twenty (20) continuous minutes.

Q: Do these observations need to be pre-arranged with me?

A: No. Your evaluator can observe you without prior notice.

Q: Can I postpone a formative observation if it is not a good day or time?

A: Yes, you can postpone one formative observation visit. You can request this prior to the visit if it is a pre-arranged visit, or at the very beginning of the observation if it is unannounced.

Q: When does the post-observation conference need to occur?

A: A post observation conference shall be held within the following five (5) working days after each formative observation. Be sure to get a copy of the formative observation report (Form B) with your signature and your evaluator’s signature.

Q: When I sign my formative or summative evaluation does that mean I agree with the report?

A: No, it does not. Signing the form means you received the form and does not indicate agreement with the evaluator’s comments.

Q: What is the deadline for my Summative Evaluation Report?

A: By May 1st the evaluator shall have prepared a Summative Evaluation report (Form B).

Q: What happens if I get a negative evaluation?

A: If you have any of the six standards on your summative evaluation rated as “Unsatisfactory”, or if you have three or more standards rated as “Needs Improvement” you will be mandatorily referred to the Peer Assistance and Review program. See Article 19 of the BFT/BUSD Collective Bargaining Agreement for more information.

Q: What happens if the timeline is not followed?

A: Depending on the mistake, the educator will either be moved to the next year’s evaluation cycle or given permission for the current evaluation to continue.

Q: Do I have the right to respond to negative evaluations?

A: Yes. You have the right to respond to any formative observation reports, or to your Summative Evaluation report. You must respond within 30 working days of the date of the report. You have the right to have your response attached to the evaluation report.

Q: If I am a temporary or probationary teacher and my evaluation was not done according to procedure does that mean I cannot be released from BUSD employment?

A: No, it does not. State law allows all temporary and probationary teachers to be released or non-reelected without cause. Even if BFT were to file a grievance on your behalf and win it would not mean the District would be prevented from releasing you from employment.

Q: Where can I learn more about my rights under the evaluation process?

A: Please consult Article 15 of the BFT/BUSD Collective Bargaining Agreement for more information.

Q: If I will be on child-rearing leave during the course of the school year what will happen with my evaluation?

A: This depends on when your leave will occur. If you will be gone a significant part of October through April it is likely that your evaluation will be postponed to the next school year. For more information please contact your Site Rep.

Updated 06-2024