General Information:
Article 15.3.5 and 18.10.1 in BUSD/BFT Contract
Permanent BUSD teachers receiving a summative evaluation with an overall rating of “Distinguished” or “Proficient” [on a traditional evaluation] may participate in the Alternative Evaluation (AE) process in their subsequent evaluation year.
The contract requires a “mutual agreement” between the teacher and the evaluator in order to engage in the AE process.
Permanent BUSD teachers may [with evaluator agreement]:
Engage in the AE process during their first evaluation cycle with permanent status
Engage in the AE process in consecutive evaluation cycles
Possible reasons for completing an AE:
Opportunity to grow, engage, and be inspired by meaningful professional development as an educator through a combination of peer collaboration, choice, variety, passion, self-guided projects and reflection.
Many teachers report some of their best professional growth having occurred with the AE process.
Benefits student achievement and projects can be tailored to address specific student goals.
Meet individual professional development needs that are not being addressed through district wide staff development days nor through site/department/grade level meetings.
Allows evaluators to focus time and energy on teachers who are new or needing more support.
Watch BFT teachers speak about the AE process firsthand in this short video.
For more information about evaluations in general, see BFT FAQ.
Options and Requirements
In addition to the specific requirements for each option, all AE participants will:
Complete AE Pre/Post Project Form
Present oral report of process/findings to grade level team/staff/SLC/department in the spring
Complete a survey from the BPAR Panel about the AE experience
Click on the options below to learn more:
Other projects (agreed upon between teacher and evaluator)
To help select an option:
Talk with colleagues who have completed an AE in the past
Teachers are informed if the current year is an evaluation year and who their evaluator will be by 9/30.
Soon after being notified, the teacher should contact their evaluator if they are interested in an AE.
The permanent teacher and evaluator come to mutual agreement (including option selected) about completing an AE instead of a traditional evaluation.
By 11/1, evaluator indicates Alternative Evaluation on the evaluation spreadsheet shared with evaluators by Rhonda Cervantes in HR.
By 11/1, the teacher and evaluator meet to complete the AE Pre Project Form describing the project.
Evaluator submits the AE Pre Project Form to HR by 11/1.
Teacher engages in the selected AE option.
Schedule time for teacher to share process/findings to grade level team/staff/ SLC/department.
By 4/24, teacher presents process/findings (evaluator is in attendance)
Teacher and evaluator complete AE Post Project Form
Evaluator submits AE Post Project Form to HR by 5/1
By May 15:
Teacher completes survey about the process and project content.
This information is collected by the BPAR Panel to help assist other teachers in selecting AE options.
If you have further questions about Alternative Evaluations, please contact your site evaluator or BFT site rep.
Updated 06-2024