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Unemployment Insurance for Adult School Employees

The best way to apply for unemployment benefits is online at

  • Even if you are not sure you are eligible for unemployment benefits, YOU SHOULD APPLY.
  • Even if you are not sure how much you will receive, YOU SHOULD APPLY!

When you apply, you will be asked for your Social Security number, as well as the name and address of your employer.

For the address of your employer you should list:
Berkeley Unified School District, c/o EQUIFAX,
P.O. Box 23020, Oakland, CA, 94623-2302.

As a BUSD contact you should list Malika Upshur at (510) 644-8924.

Here is some helpful information:

  • You are a member of a Union. Your Union name and number is Berkeley Federation of Teachers, AFT 1078. You are in good standing. Your Union does not look for work for you or control hiring. Members do NOT register with BFT as out of work.
  • BFT believes that Berkeley Adult school instructors are “temporary” with classes assigned but contingent based on enrollment, funding and program changes (see California Unemployment Insurance Code 1253.3), and therefore are eligible for unemployment benefits in the summer. You should NOT have received a “reasonable assurance” letter from BUSD.  If you received a “reasonable assurance” letter you will need to plan on being persistent and determined to go as far as the final appeal, but you may win on an appeal. “Cervisi V. Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board” is applicable for Adult School employees.
  • Adult School educators who are Probationary 2 or Permanent may not be eligible for unemployment insurance.
  • If, upon an interview with an EDD intake person, you are asked about any “reasonable assurance” letter you have received, you can simply say you received no such letter.  (If you DID get a “reasonable assurance” letter please contact BFT.) You can refer to Unemployment Insurance Code section 1253.3(g), and a case on this issue entitled “Cervisi v. Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board 208 Cal. App. 3d 635”.
  • EDD will make a decision based on the information you provide. If your claim is denied, don't despair and don't give up. We strongly recommend that you appeal. EDD may need more information, or may have misinterpreted something that you provided. Many claims that were initially denied have been won on appeal.

Updated 06-2024