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Tax Sheltered Annuities/403(b) Accounts

Q: How can I find out what 403(b) options I have as a BUSD employee?

A: You can view a list here, or you can go to the Payroll office and view the list on the wall outside the office.

Q: Where can I get external information about these plans?

A: The federal Securities and Exchange Commission has published a guide to help Pre-K to 12 teachers evaluate and select investments for 403(b) plans and other savings options. Also, CalSTRS has a handy tool to compare investment options that BUSD offers.

Q: What if I have a 403(b) from a previous employer and I want to consolidate plans?

A: Usually you can contact a BUSD authorized vendor and they can walk you through the process of consolidating plans.

Q: Do I have any access to free or low-cost financial planning advice?

A: Yes, the BUSD Employee Assistance Program through Claremont offers some financial planning services. Head to to learn more

Q: Does CalSTRS offer 403(b) plans?

A: Yes, they do. You can find more information on the CalSTRS web site.

Updated 06-2024