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Print Shop

The Print Shop strives to meet the needs of all of our schools. By using the following tips, they can be efficient and ensure that all of our copying needs are met in a timely manner.

Q: How can I send jobs to the print shop?

A: There are two ways to submit print jobs. The best way to submit jobs is to scan your hard copy from a BUSD Xerox machine and include the form at the bottom of this page (also available here.) You can also email them (, though the turnaround time may be longer.

Q: How long is the turnaround time on a job submitted?

A: The Print Shop is a very fast and efficient way to complete copy jobs. If it is not during their peak season (such as August, September, or during testing) scanned jobs can be completed and sent to you the next day. Jobs submitted by e-mails may take longer.

Q: How can I get jobs returned to me more quickly during peak seasons?

A: Since the Print Shop is serving the needs of all sites, Pre-K through High School, they can become very busy. So it is best to plan ahead. If you can, submit jobs before you leave for the summer in May or June; they can work on completing them over the summer.

Q: What kind of jobs should I submit in August?

A: Since August and September are the busiest times for the print shop, it is best to submit jobs only for things you need for the first 2-3 weeks of school. After their peak season is over, they will have time to complete items you need for the rest of the year.

Q: Will the Print Shop make class sets of Reading A-Z books?

A: Yes, the Print Shop will make class sets of Reading A-Z books. In fact, the Print Shop has a list of Reading A-Z books that they have on file and can print without you sending a master copy. Email them ( for a complete list.

And remember, you are encouraged to send large orders like this in May or June so they can complete them over the summer. If you must order books in August or September, please only order the books you need for the very first weeks of school, as this is peak season for the print shop. Wait until the end of September to submit other orders.

Q: Will the Print Shop print writing paper and/or journals for my class?

A: Not necessarily. Large orders are now approved by your site administrator.

Updated 06-2024