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Part-Time Teachers: Important Information You Need to Know!

Q: If I am a part-time teacher do I need to attend all staff meetings?

A: If you are at .80 FTE, yes you are required to attend all staff meetings. If you are at .60 FTE you are required to attend 60% of the staff meetings. If you are at less than .60 FTE you are required to mutually determine a schedule of staff meeting attendance with your principal at the beginning of the school year.

Q: Am I required to attend Staff Development Days if it is a day of the week I do not normally work?

A: Yes, part-time teachers are required to attend all staff development days.

Q: Am I required to attend the entire Staff Development Day if I only work part-time?

A: Yes. You are paid at your per diem rate for the hours in attendance beyond your part-time status. For example, a teacher at .50 FTE would turn in a timesheet for all hours in attendance beyond 3.5 hours. You should submit your timesheet to your principal. Be sure to keep a copy of your time sheet.

Q: If I attend a full day assessment scoring day, how am I paid for my extra time?

A: You will be paid at your per diem rate for your extra time. Be sure to complete an Inform K12 certificated timesheet.

Q: What is my duty day in terms of hours and minutes?

A: Here is the answer by FTE:

 .40 FTE = 2 hours and 52 minutes

 .60 FTE = 4 hours and 18 minutes

 .80 FTE = 5 hours and 44 minutes

 (1.0 FTE = 7 hours and 10 minutes)

Q: Will my part-time leave automatically be extended next year?

A: No, this is at the District's discretion. If you do desire an extension next year you need to submit your request to the BUSD HR department by February 1st as required by Article 12, Section 1.4 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Q: How does being part-time affect my sick leave credit?

A: Your sick leave credit is prorated to match your FTE. For example, if you are .80 FTE you will have 8.8 days (11 days x .80) added to your sick leave balance.

Q: I am a K-5 teacher doing a job share. Does BFT have any tips for my job partner and me?

A: Yes, please see our Job Share FAQ on this subject.

Updated 06-2024