Health and Safety Agreement Reached
BFT and BUSD have reached agreement on a detailed and extensive baseline set of measures to protect the health and safety of all members in all job categories who may eventually work with students in person.
These agreements are the minimum standards that will be applied to any future phases of re-opening. Not all of these elements are in place as of yet, and no reopening will occur until every single requirement of this MOU has been met. There are no agreements in place about any reopening phase at this time. We will continue to negotiate additional specific health and safety standards, as well as schedules and working conditions, as they pertain to each phase.
The agreement ensures that every member will get Essential Protective Equipment (including masks, gloves, gowns and face shields). All staff and students over the age of 5 will be required to wear masks at all times, and those under the age of 5 will be encouraged to wear masks indoors. Sanitizing and disinfecting practices are established and supplies will be provided.
Physical distancing will be required and classroom capacity will reflect the actual amount of usable space in the room. Non-essential visitors will be prohibited.
All work areas will have air purifiers and adequate ventilation. In-person classes will be canceled when the air quality reaches unhealthy levels such that windows cannot be opened.
The plan includes protocols for testing, screening, contact tracing and reporting, including universal testing before employees return to sites plus ongoing surveillance testing. All staff and students will complete a daily screening. Anyone displaying symptoms will not be allowed on campus. Isolation rooms for students who become ill during the school day will maintain stringent safety procedures. Any employee that wants a test will be able to obtain one within 24-48 hours. Student testing protocols will be negotiated prior to each phase of reopening.
Members who are required to quarantine due to work related illness or exposure will not face any loss of income and will not be required to use any sick days.
You can view the full Health and Safety MOU here.