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National Board Certification

Q: What financial support does the BFT/BUSD Collective Bargaining Agreement provide to folks who have achieved National Board certification?

A: Any teacher holding National Board certification in BUSD will receive an annual stipend of $2473. Any School Psychologist holding a National Board Certification also receives a stipend of $2473.

Q: Are the fees associated with becoming certified reimbursed?

A: Yes, BFT members who complete the process and obtain certification will be reimbursed for the fees to obtain certification. No fees (application processing charges, initial fees or assessment fees) will be reimbursed if a candidate voluntarily withdraws from the process.

Q: Is this a long term agreement between BFT and BUSD?

A: Yes. This is in our contract Article 14.18.9.

Q: Is there organized District support for attempting certification?

A: Not at this time, no.

Q: How can I find out more about what's involved in becoming certified?

A: One of the best resources is the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards website.

You can also find information on the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) website.

Updated 06-2024