Q: How does evaluation of BAS teachers work?
A: This is covered in Article 15.10 of the BFT/BUSD collective bargaining agreement and BFT encourages any BAS teacher being evaluated to review this section. Here are some key pieces of information:
- New BAS teachers are evaluated in their first year. They can be evaluated in their second and third years at the discretion of the administrator.
- Veteran BAS teachers who have been employed for three or more years are evaluated every three years (assuming a satisfactory evaluation in the last evaluation) or as deemed necessary by the Principal or designee.
- The teacher must be observed for no less than one observation lasting at least 20 minutes.
- Any BAS teacher being evaluated must be informed and must be notified of the name of their evaluator by September 30th. The teacher needs to be told the courses/programs for which the review will occur.
- A teacher being evaluated can request a meeting with the administrator to review the performance review form and procedure.
- A conference must follow any observation within ten (10) working days of the observation.
Q: Are there any changes to the process for 2017-2018?
A: For 2017-2018 members have the option of completing a pre-assessment using the performance review form, and participating in a pre-observation conference. Members will be compensated for their time for the pre-observation conference, and for the post-observation conference. Members also have the option of providing a written lesson plan for the evaluator prior to the observation. In 2017-2018 the self-assessment, the pre-observation conference and the submission of a lesson plan are voluntary options for the member.
Here is the Contract Language: Article 15.10.2
Adult School hourly teachers who are members of the bargaining unit and who have not been employed for three (3) or more consecutive years will receive a formal performance review by the Principal or his/her designee. Hourly teachers new to the unit will be reviewed during the first year and as deemed necessary by the responsible administrator or his/her designee.
Adult hourly teachers who are unit members and have been employed for three (3) or more consecutive years with no indication of unsatisfactory performance will be evaluated every three (3) years or as deemed necessary by the Principal or his/her designee.
A formal performance review is one in which a standard form (Continuous Improvement Measure), especially designed for use with Adult hourly teachers, is to be completed subsequent to at least one (1) scheduled observation. The need for additional observation(s) will be determined by the reviewer. An observation is expected to be approximately twenty (20) minutes in length. Additional time on a given observation will be determined by the reviewer.
The Adult School Teacher will be notified by September 30 in their evaluation year of the name of the evaluator and the courses/programs for which the review will occur during that semester. Upon request by the teacher, s/he may meet with the Adult School administration to review the performance review instrument (Continuous Improvement Measure) and the procedure prior to being reviewed.
A conference following the observation will be scheduled within ten (10) working days with the teacher being reviewed. A copy of the formal performance review report will be provided. The teacher being reviewed will be given an opportunity to offer a written response to the report. Such a response will be submitted within ten (10) working days and will be attached to the report.
Updated 10/2/17