Frequently Asked Questions: About Being a BFT Bargaining Unit Sub
How do I become a BFT Bargaining Unit sub?
You can qualify by working 50 assignments during the current school year, 30 assignments during the last two semesters or 20 consecutive days in the same assignment during the current school year. You must provide BFT with a list of the assignments. After we verify them, we will add you to the BFT Bargaining Unit Sub list. Retired teachers are automatically eligible to be a bargaining unit sub. (Article 2.1.7)
What is a Special Circumstance Waiver?
In some cases, an assignment may require a particular credential or skill set. If none of the current bargaining unit subs meet the requirements, BFT may agree to a special circumstance waiver that grants bargaining unit status to a new sub. You can find the waiver here.
How can I remain on the BFT Sub List?
You must work at least 20 assignments per semester.
How can teachers prearrange jobs with me?
BFT publishes a list of all bargaining unit subs and distributes it to teachers. Most teachers will call you directly to prearrange the job. They can also prearrange teachers using the AESOP system. We recommend forming relationships with teachers that you like to sub for and informing them that you are requestable.
What is the rate of pay for long-term assignments?
After 44 days in the same assignment, a sub is retroactively placed on the K-12 salary schedule according to educational degrees and any previous years of teaching with a credential in a K-12 position. Only certificated teachers can take jobs longer than 30 days.
Do I need a credential to work in a long-term assignment?
If the assignment is over 30 days, you must have a credential.
Do subs receive medical benefits?
If a sub is placed on the salary schedule after 44 days in a long-term assignment, the sub is eligible for medical benefits. Subs should go to the BUSD Benefits Office to enroll. In addition, subs who work over 80 assignments in a given year qualify for a medical stipend. The stipend increases with the number of assignments. In addition, some subs are eligible for BUSD coverage under the Affordable Care Act.
Do jobs for early childhood education (CDC or BEARS) count toward the medical stipend?
Substitute assignments for early childhood, including the child development centers and the BEARS program, count toward the medical stipend.
How can I get information about each school’s procedures and expectations?
BFT has helped to develop sub information folders that should be available at each site. These folders contain the bell and release schedules, rosters, rules, emergency procedures and other useful information. Ask the school administrative assisstant for this folder when you report to a job. If basic information or emergency procedures are not available please alert one of your BFT Site Reps.
What should I do if my paycheck is wrong?
If you think your paycheck is wrong, email your Payroll Specialist to find out which job(s) you did not get paid for. (See the BFT Help Guide for contact information for Payroll Specialists.)
To assist with getting paid properly, we recommend leaving your timesheet with the main office staff at the beginning of the day so that it will be signed by the time you are ready to leave.
What should I do if it is difficult or impossible to follow the teacher's lesson plan, or if the plans are unclear?
We recommend following the teacher's lessons plans as best as you can. If the plan is not clear we recommend immediately asking assistance from a nearby classroom teacher, or a principal or vice principal if they are nearby. If you cannot follow the lesson plans we recommend writing a detailed note to the teacher to explain, and to keep a copy of the original lesson plan and your note to the teacher.
What should I do if I report to an assignment only to find that the assignment no longer exists, or there is another substitute teacher there for the same job?
Always be sure your have a job number for every assignment. If a teacher wants to prearrange you, insist that they put the job into AESOP so that you have a job number and your rights are protected. If you have a job number and the other person does not, you have a right to the job. If you show up only to find the job has been canceled, but AESOP did not inform you, as long as you have a job number you should be paid for a half-day, in keeping with current BUSD practice.
Updated 06-2024