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BFT Accomplishments 2023-2024
BFT had many victories last year in advocating for our members, our students and for quality public education.
- Contract Victories
In 2023-2024, BFT and the District negotiated over contract reopeners. Although we are still negotiating, there have been agreements for increased compensation for Adult School educators, better working conditions for Preschool educators and guaranteed report card work time for TK-5 educators. In 2022-2023 BFT successfully signed a contract through June 2025 that included a 12% raise over a two year period and additional increases through salary schedule reforms. In addition, the District is now covering 50% of any increase to health care costs.
- Political Engagement and Election Victories
BFT led the March 2024 Berkeley school parcel tax campaign, passing with 88% yes. Voters overwhelmingly approved funding for small class sizes and enrichment programs for another 8 years. BFT members organized precinct walks and phone banks to support the parcel tax renewal. BFT also endorsed School Board candidates through a transparent and inclusive process. Many of our members are involved in the decision-making process which includes questionnaires, interviews, discussion and then a vote. In 2022, we helped elect the new Alameda County Superintendent of Schools and all three BFT-endorsed School Board candidates won their elections with our financial and boots on the ground support.
- High Union Membership and Participation
BFT maintained a 98% membership rate and with a large number of members making voluntary monthly contributions to our Political Action Campaign fund. We communicate with members through monthly newsletters, negotiations updates, informative websites, and social media outreach. BFT held regular membership meetings this past year and engaged members through surveys. Our members spoke at School Board meetings throughout the year, organized on site based issues., and held two massive School Board rallies to support negotiations. Our union is as strong as ever.
- Statewide Engagement
BFT leaders hold leadership roles in CFT (our statewide union). Our members went to Sacramento to lobby for legislation that supports our public schools. BFT continues to be a part of the California Alliance for Community Schools (CACS) and has been an essential part of the statewide conversation among local unions. BFT meets with the CACS unions regularly to organize our collective power to create the schools that our students and educators deserve. We have been working on coordinating bargaining with other locals to strengthen our power.