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Enrolling Your Child in BUSD Schools

Q: Do I have a right to enroll my child in a BUSD school if I am a BUSD teacher who does not live in Berkeley?

A: Yes, Article 20.3 of the BUSD/BFT contract gives you this right. It states:

"The children of Berkeley teachers who do not reside in Berkeley shall be admitted to Berkeley schools, subject to the granting of a permit by the district of residence. Further, should a teacher request that his/her child be permitted to enroll at the school to which he/she is assigned, the District will make every effort to enroll the child at the site in the Spring when students are normally assigned."

Q: If I am a part-time, temporary or probationary teacher do I still have this right under our contract?

A: Yes. This right applies equally to all bargaining unit members.

Q: What do I need to do if I want to exercise this right?

A: You should request an inter-district transfer form from your home school district and send it to 
your home district as early as possible. Once you receive an approved form you should submit the form to the BUSD Admissions office. Be sure to keep a copy for your own records.

For more information please see the Enrollment webpage on the BUSD website.

Q: How do I indicate my choices? Am I restricted to ranking school preferences in only one assignment zone?

A: On the Parent Preference form you can list up to 4 choices of schools in preferential order. You do not have to limit your choices to schools in only one zone.

Q: When will I know my child's assignment?

A: You should receive a letter by mid-March. If you do not receive a letter from BUSD by mid-March, or you are not assigned to a BUSD school, please immediately contact BFT at (510) 549-2307 or email Matt Meyer (

Q: Can I choose my child's assignment?

A: Only if you are exercising your gihts to have your child attend the school you teach at.

Updated 06-2024